Source code for torch_geometric_temporal.dataset.windmilllarge

import io
import json
import numpy as np
from six.moves import urllib
from ..signal import StaticGraphTemporalSignal

[docs]class WindmillOutputLargeDatasetLoader(object): """Hourly energy output of windmills from a European country for more than 2 years. Vertices represent 319 windmills and weighted edges describe the strength of relationships. The target variable allows for regression tasks. """ def __init__(self): self._read_web_data() def _read_web_data(self): url = "" self._dataset = json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(url).read().decode()) def _get_edges(self): self._edges = np.array(self._dataset["edges"]).T def _get_edge_weights(self): self._edge_weights = np.array(self._dataset["weights"]).T def _get_targets_and_features(self): stacked_target = np.stack(self._dataset["block"]) standardized_target = (stacked_target - np.mean(stacked_target, axis=0)) / ( np.std(stacked_target, axis=0) + 10 ** -10 ) self.features = [ standardized_target[i : i + self.lags, :].T for i in range(standardized_target.shape[0] - self.lags) ] self.targets = [ standardized_target[i + self.lags, :].T for i in range(standardized_target.shape[0] - self.lags) ]
[docs] def get_dataset(self, lags: int = 8) -> StaticGraphTemporalSignal: """Returning the Windmill Output data iterator. Args types: * **lags** *(int)* - The number of time lags. Return types: * **dataset** *(StaticGraphTemporalSignal)* - The Windmill Output dataset. """ self.lags = lags self._get_edges() self._get_edge_weights() self._get_targets_and_features() dataset = StaticGraphTemporalSignal( self._edges, self._edge_weights, self.features, self.targets ) return dataset